Monday, October 5, 2009

Fake up Sid !

A clear rip off from my profile pic! Even the color of shirt is same. I'm gonna sue Karan my Lawyers!

Face off !

Some Facts:

TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research): Country’s one of the oldest and best Research and Development Institute. Founded by Late Homi Bhabha, almost every great scientist produced by India post independence has something to do with TIFR. About 15 TIFR scientists are currently working on famous international CERN experiment, which aims to reproduce Big Bang conditions in a lab.

JMET (Joint Management Entrance Exam): A common entrance exam held by IIT’s and IISc for their coveted management program.

10:00 am, 13th December: The common time and date of both TIFR and JMET entrance exams for their PHD and MBA programs respectively. B-Tech/BE degree holders are eligible for both

CCM: Career Conscious Me…. the part of me who wants corporate success and all the fun in life that money could buy.

KSM: Knowledge Seeker Me…. the original self who entered the hallowed portals of IT-BHU 5 years ago but got lost somewhere in journey. He resurfaces occasionally.

Me: Simply Me…. confused and flowing with tide.

One fine evening, all three sitting in office cafeteria…

CCM: So what u guys want…. there’s macaroni on the menu today!

Hi KSM…been a long time …eh?

KSM: Yeah…I’ve been on a vacation…one Macaroni for me too..

Me: I’ll just have coffee


KSM: Why does he look so glum?

Me: Me…. yes…I’ve been troubled by something…something which must be decided upon fast before its too late.

CCM: What is it?

Me: No offense to anyone …but one of you gotta go…forever!

(CCM and KCM spurts out their Macaroni)

“But Why???”

Me: See…. here’s the thing…I’ve been riding on two separate boats…. in fact I don’t know how many boats …one after another and it seems I’ve been moving in circles for past many years.

KSM: I think something is wrong with your coffee.

CCM: Yes…”Free ki Coffee se aisa hi Hota hai”

Me: I’m serious…I’m fed up on being stretched up in two directions

KSM: Ok… but why this stuff all of sudden?

Me: You know what…since my childhood, when I used to read about some whiz kid making his parents, city or even country proud…the first thing I glanced upon was his age. Then I used to tell myself, I’m just 14…I have ample of years left...I’ll also do something by then. In course of time that 14 became 16 …then 19…now soon it’ll be 23.

But the age of wiz kids in papers never increased. Infact it is decreasing day by day.

Got the point….

KSM: That age of wiz kid decreases every year. Boy! Its Curious Case of Wiz Kid!

Me: No silly…it means all the people who matter or will matter in future get their best ideas in young age. The seeds of future greatness are sowed early in life. With the advent of technology and awareness…now, people set out on their journey at a younger age than ever. And I haven’t yet…

CCM: In that case choice is simple, it gotta be me.

KSM: Not so fast there…Its been I who has been nurtured for twelve years at school and couple of years at college. It was I who gave you immense joy upon solving an equation. It was your KSM part that cherished spending the entire day with Irodov.Some of your biggest strengths and achievements are credited to me. I am an integral part of you. The peaks you imagined as a child can only be scaled by me. Couple of misguided years can’t force you off track. I am the one who should be sticking. TIFR is the way to go…Its your last chance.

CCM: Nice preaching there…you talk a lot about history …because that’s where you belong. Yes you did a lot of stuff, but your part is over now. If you were to stick around, you could have done something substantial during past crucial years. You could have laid some kind of foundation to build upon…Instead, it was I who has been carrying the flag for a long time now. Whatever base for future exist, no matter how uncertain…. was built solely by me.

KSM: Did I step back or was pushed back forcefully? Or was it simply an induction effect of your environment? Who knows, if kept in conducive atmosphere what I could have achieved?

CCM: Does it really matter? What really matters is the present…. the present where you do not belong.

KSM: Though not in present …but what about future? (To ‘Me’) Don’t you want to picture yourself driving the real progress of the world? Isn’t there an iota of desire to use your talent and imagination to best possible use? Isn’t that your moral responsibility? With TIFR, you’ll be able to do that.

CCM: Its time to stop picturing and start acting. Probability of your wishful thinking coming true is not even an iota. Do u even know how exactly you are going to do it? And aren’t you a bit late too? How many batch mates can you remember who have gone this path? The best you can do is to fend for yourself. Between Economics and Science…. its always been science which ends up on losing side. (To ‘Me’) Don’t even think about TIFR.The fact that you are having doubts is a reason good enough to give up…

Me: Enough!

Cell phone rings…End of Imaginary Conversation.

On 13th December 2009, it’ll be a Face Off between country’s top Fundamental Sciences Institute and a reasonably good Management College. How many potential scientists country loses? Where the scale will tilt is a no brainer. Where it should tilt is a wishful thinking...